Wednesday, 8 October 2014

EP and Devices Regional Training Day

Next: EP and Devices Training DAY (in association with Arrythmia Allianc3)

Dear All

the next training day will be in association with Arrythmia Alliance on Nov 7th, at the usual British Racing School in Newmarket.

Further info and programme can be seen at:

Please note that EoE SpR will need to register through our usual webiste from Papworth Hospital and you DO NOT need to pay £15 if you do this through the Papworth link. Please do register however at least 72 hours in advance (cut and paste link if it doesnt work)

Many thanks

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Cardiac Risk in the Young

Cardiac Risk in the Young
International Conference on Sports Cardiology 
CPD approval applied for each day - No registration fee

10th October    "Sports Cardiology: From Theory to Practice"  
The Cavendish Conference Centre, 22 Duchess Mews, London, W1G 9DT

'The CRY conference, delivered by international authorities on the subject, are aimed at providing concise practical methods of establishing early diagnosis and delivering optimal management.' 
Speakers include Professor Sanjay Sharma, Professor Mats Borjesson, Professor Domenico Corrado, Professor Hein Heidbuchel and Professor Mary Sheppard.

Friday 10th October - Sports Cardiology: From Theory to Practice (CPD approval applied for) 
Organised in collaboration with the European Society of Cardiology Section of Sports Cardiology
Interpretation of the Cardiovascular Screening Guidelines  
International Perspectives in Dealing with Difficult Cases 
Identification of the 'At Risk' Athlete
For      Consultant Cardiologists
           Specialist Registrars in Medicine and Cardiology
           Sports Medicine Physicians
           General Practitioners with an interest in sport
           Sports Physicians
           Sports Physiologists 
           Cardiac Nurses 

Delegate rate No registration fee 

For the agenda and to book online please go to:

Please contact the CRY office if you would like us to send you copies of the leaflet or an A3 / A4 poster to put for your clinic
CRY office – tel. 01737 363 222 - email

GUCH and Pregnancy SpR Training

Dear All

Over the last couple of years the GUCH and Pregnancy training day has been one of the most successful and subscribed ones. This year it will take place at the usual British Racing School in Newmarket.

Further information and registration can be found at:

Topics will include:

Transposition Complexes – TGA – atrial switch, arterial switch natural and unnatural history - ccTGA  
Echocardiographic assessment of transposition complexes 
Device therapy in GUCH patients
Pre pregnancy assessment in acquired and congenital heart disease 
Anaesthetic management of delivery in patients with heart disease – what the anaesthetist needs to know from the cardiologist 
TTE and TOE assessment of secundum ASD – how to assess, who needs closing and who doesn’t; device or surgical closure 
Syndromes in GUCH  and associated heart defects– 22q11 deletion, Turner, Noonan, Trisomy 21, Alagille  Coarcatation of the Aorta – surveillance assessment (e.g. Amb BP, exercise testing, MRA, CT aorta) – comorbidities e.g. bicuspid aortic valve, coronary artery diease
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy  

Friday, 11 July 2014

Regional EoE Pulmonary Hypertension Update

Dr. John Cannon from Papworth Hospital, is organising a Regional EoE Pulmonary Hypertension Update on Monday 13th October 2014. He has kindly invited all interested cardiology SpRs to attend for free; but please remember that you need to register in advance for this through

Møller Centre, Churchill College
Storey’s Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS

Monday 13th October 2014

09:30 Registration/Coffee

10:00 Welcome

10:05 Basic science and genetics of PAH
Prof Nick Morrell, Professor of Cardiopulmonary Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge

10:40 Classification and investigation of PH
Dr John Cannon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

11:15 Management options for PH
Dr Joanna Pepke-Zaba, Consultant Chest Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

11:50 Connective tissue associated PAH
Dr John Cannon, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

12:30 Lunch

13:45 PH and left heart disease
Dr Dolores Taboada, Consultant Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

14:20 PH and lung disease
Dr Mark Toshner, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

14:55 Acute PE management and controversies
Dr Karen Sheares, Consultant Chest Physician, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

15:30 Coffee

15:45 Chronic Thromboembolic PH
Mr David Jenkins, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge

16:20 Congenital Heart Disease and PAH
Dr Leisa Freeman, Consultant Cardiologist, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, Norwich

16:55 Summary and close

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Webcasting at BCS

ONLY APPLICABLE for Cardiology SpRs

23rd April 2014

BCS Webcaster Invitation Email

The annual BCS Conference 2014 in Manchester is fast approaching and once again
the BCS aim to webcast many of the sessions over the three days. This increasingly
important and heavily accessed online resource could not be possible without support
from UK cardiology trainees, who traditionally volunteer their time at the conference
to record sessions.

Accordingly, we would be grateful for any trainees who are planning to attend the
conference and are willing to become webcasters, to email Adam Brown at Full webcasting training will be provided for those who have not
webcast sessions before. Volunteers will be asked to commit to a half-day session of
webcasting and in return, each webcaster will have their registration fee to the
conference reimbursed, be awarded Faculty status to the conference and receive a
certificate of participation from the BCS.

We look forward to seeing you in Manchester!

Best wishes,

Cardiology Intervention Training Day

Dear all

next intervention training day

May 13th

CT Coronary Angiography: The Basics
Surgical Revascularisation and Conduit Choice
Interventional Research at the University of   Cambridge
Diagnostic Coronary Angiography: Tips and  Tricks
Setting up a New PCI Centre: The Ipswich  Experience
Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
The Year in Interventional Cardiology - A review  of Important Developments in Coronary  Intervention? Rowing the Atlantic is Very Similar to PPCI

EoE SpRs can register at:

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Next Training Day March 10th

The next training day is March 10th....

It is on non-invasive cardiac imaging held at the British Racing School as usual.

For further information and registration please visit:

We have got 4 CPD from the RCP for this event.

The following training day would be on intervention on May 13th at the same venue.