Monday, 26 January 2015

ACHD/ GUCH Training Day in London

Dear All

the RSM is organising an Adult Congenital Heart Disease day on London, on March 10th.

The programme is being finalised, but if anyone is interested they should be requesting study leave now!

Will include a link here when it is available.

Many thanks


and the link (should open in a new page, or copy and paste)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


An exciting programme has been put together by Astra Zeneca for EoE SpRs in years 1-3.

It will run over 2 years and attendance of 4 half days per year is requested. 

Topics will cover

Agendas for Year 1
Training Day 1: State Of The Art 8
Training Day 2: Time Is Muscle and Trust 9
Training Day 3: Stats Don’t Bite 10
Training Day 4: Innovation, Intervention 11
Agendas for Year 2
Training Day 5: Cases In Cross Fire 12
Training Day 6: Risky Business and the Heart 13
Training Day 7: Prevention to Intervention 14
Training Day 8: Spotlight On Congress

If you are interested please contact either myself or

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Next Training Event Jan 13th 2015

Dear all

next training day Jan 13th 2015

Registration 0845-0900
finish 1645
Newmarket - British Racing School

Echo and other imaging Day

TOPICS to be covered

Right heart assessment by echo
Cases from cardiac Genetics clinic
Role of cardiovascular imaging in Cardiomyopathy
Aortic valve disease
Mitral valve disease
Prosthetic heart valve assessment
How to pursue a cardiology higher degree

Cases from cardiac imaging