Wednesday, 7 January 2015


An exciting programme has been put together by Astra Zeneca for EoE SpRs in years 1-3.

It will run over 2 years and attendance of 4 half days per year is requested. 

Topics will cover

Agendas for Year 1
Training Day 1: State Of The Art 8
Training Day 2: Time Is Muscle and Trust 9
Training Day 3: Stats Don’t Bite 10
Training Day 4: Innovation, Intervention 11
Agendas for Year 2
Training Day 5: Cases In Cross Fire 12
Training Day 6: Risky Business and the Heart 13
Training Day 7: Prevention to Intervention 14
Training Day 8: Spotlight On Congress

If you are interested please contact either myself or

1 comment:

  1. cardiologist Cardiologist the best of the whole brazil region send a hug to all of england
